Sefton Conservatives
supporting Communities across the Borough
Rimrose Valley
The planned expansion of the Seaforth docklands will make a significant contribution to the future prosperity of the Merseyside Region.
That success will have a positive effect upon the economy of Sefton and provide meaningful and well paid employment opportunities for its residents.
The Dunnings Bridge Road corridor is currently the only feasible route for heavy goods vehicles to and from the docklands, it is heavily congested and the resultant air pollution is a major concern for those living in close proximity.
The expected increases in traffic volumes serving the docklands would make matters worse for the ‘corridor communities’ and that is an outcome they should not have to suffer.
Highways England has proposed to construct a road between Brooms Cross and the Sefton docklands.
The road - if built might alleviate some of the air pollution issues for communities close to the ‘Dunnings Bridge Road corridor’ but may impact negatively on the health and wellbeing of those communities in close proximity to Rimrose Valley.
Sefton Conservatives acknowledge the efforts of ‘Rimrose Valley Friends’ in their call to explore all alternative transport solutions (that might include a rail link) before any construction is commenced. We will endeavour to use our connections to government to influence the decisions made.
Cllr. Terry Jones.
Leader Conservative Group
Sefton Council.